Monday, October 10, 2016

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight!

Drink water to lose weight!

The faster racing car, the higher the fuel consumption. It is the same with man. The higher our metabolic rate, the more we need energy, the more we burn subcutaneous fat. So, water is a natural regulator of metabolism.

At the first, still very weak, the sign of thirst, the metabolism slows down by 2%. It would seem that small, but is enough to lower the physical strength. The truth is 10%. But a couple of glasses of water accelerates the metabolism by 30%. In fact, water is for human life the main element. Our body consists of water and it constantly consumes. This implies that we should regularly drink. Otherwise, the body will flatten.

By the way, water-filled stomach reduces appetite and Vice versa: provokes thirst for hunger. Between meals regularly drink at least 2 glasses of water. This will lead to lower calorie consumption by 10-15%.

