Charming brunette Diana Volkova is only 22, but she already has many sports awards and is the top Russian athlete in the category of fitness-bikini. The growth of girls is around 167 cm, competitive weight is 58-60 kg. Previously, the athlete lived in the Ryazan region, and several years ago moved to Moscow, where he lives with his husband.
The start of a competitive career of Diana started in 2012, but the first time she had not taken any prizes. Only in 2014 she was third at the Cup of Moscow region, and in 2015 brought the Diana absolute victory in the Cup of the Moscow region, as well as first place in the Junior category up to 169 cm in the championship of Russia. However, the most important achievement is an absolute victory at the Arnold Classic Europe Madrid in the spring of 2015, where Diana received a statuette from the hands of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
She admits that in the beginning of his way, was very thin, she found it difficult to gain muscle mass, which it looked too flat, compared to her rivals. Therefore, the transformation of his own body took several years. Now Diana says that the failure at the beginning was very upsetting her, there were moments when I wanted to quit everything and live a normal life. However, dedication, character and support of my beloved husband helped the girl to stand and make this happen.